The private equity fund buys preferred stock in the Cayman Islands parent company. 它们买了这些公司的开曼群岛(CaymanIslands)母公司的优先股。
In return, the federal government is getting preferred stock in the banks and warrants to buy common shares. 作为回报,Fed将获得它们的优先股和普通股的认股权证。
This is generally not considered nationalization because the preferred stock doesn't have voting rights. 这是一般认为国有化,因为优先股没有投票权。
Preferred stock or convertible bonds or stock warrants that can be converted into common stock. 可以转换成普通股的优先股或可转换证券或认股权证。
Preferred stock gives its owners certain advantages over com-mon stockholders. 优先股股票使其持有者比普通股股东享有某些优先权利。
Holders of preferred stock have no vote on company issues, but they also have less risk. 优先股的持有者没有公司利息,但是他们风险也低。
A company may choose to issue new preferred stock when additional capital is desired. 公司如需要额外资金,可以发行新的优先股。
While both the common and preferred stock will continue to trade, investors will lose their dividends and will be exposed to the companies 'losses ahead of the government taking a stake in new senior preferred stock. 虽然普通股和优先股都将继续交易,但是投资者将失去股息。而且,在美国政府购入新发行的高级优先股股权的情况下,投资者将直面两房的亏损。
Nov.10: The Fed and Treasury sweeten terms of aid to AIG, taking preferred stock and reducing loan margin and lending fees. 11月10日:美联储和财政部怀柔条件的援助,以美国国际集团,同时优先股和降低贷款保证金和贷款费用。
The bank will pay7.9% on the preferred stock it issued, yet based on yields for similar debt it could have sold bonds that yielded as much as two percentage points less. 摩根大通将为其发行的优先股支付7.9%的股息,但根据类似债务的收益,它本来可以出售比这一利率低两个百分点的债券。
The preferred stock in that deal paid a 10 per cent dividend. 交易中涉及的摩根士丹利优先股支付10%的红利。
Holders of preferred stock may or may not have the right to vote. 绩优股的持有者表决的权利。
If they can't, they must sell the government preferred stock that is convertible into common stock after seven years. 如果他们不能,他们必须卖出政府优先股是转换成普通股后,7年。
The US government has bought preferred stock in the eight largest banks and hundreds of smaller ones under the Troubled Asset Relief Plan. 美国政府已购买优先股的8家最大的银行和数百个较小的资产根据这家陷入困境的救济计划。
Among banks that could be most affected by losses on the preferred stock are Gateway Financial Holdings and Midwest Banc Holdings. 在这类银行当中,受优先股亏损影响最大的可能就是GatewayFinancialHoldings和MidwestBancHoldings。
8% preferred stock,$ 10 par, callable at$ 10 Share prices bounced back this morning. 8%优先股,面值10美元,赎回价格10美元股票价格今晨回升了。
Voluntary calls or debts or preferred stock issues and major litigation or governmental proceedings. 自愿限价委托买卖或借款或优先股问题及主要的诉讼案或政府诉讼等。
Raising funds by offering ownership in a corporation through the issuing of shares of a corporation's common or preferred stock. 公司通过发行普通股或优先股使投资者获得股权来筹集资金。
Preferred Stocks: Preferred stock is like a perpetual bond. 优先股:优先股就像一个永久的纽带。
Preferred stock, however, is usually I ued with the promise of a regular dividend. 可是,公司通常会对优先股发放固定的股息。
Any shares of preferred stock so issued would have priority over the common stock with respect to dividend or liquidation rights. 任何这样发行的优先股在股息和清算权上都对于普通股具有优先权。
The New York Federal Reserve has$ 16bn of preferred stock in AIA. 纽约联储(NewYorkFederalReserve)拥有价值160亿美元的友邦保险优先股。
A bond or preferred stock which is selling at a price equal its face ( or par) value. 指的是债券或优先股按照等同于面值的价格出售。
Redeemable preferred share call options on preferred stock 可赎回有优先权的股份优先股的回收选择权
Other shareholders, which include sovereign wealth funds and pension funds, would also convert some of their$ 30bn-plus of preferred stock into shares. 包括主权财富基金和养老基金在内的其它股东,也将把它们300多亿美元优先股中的一部分转换为普通股。
The preferred stock carries a 10 percent dividend. 这批优先股股息为10%。
As of December 3, dividends in arrears on the cumulative preferred stock total$ 10. 到12月3日,累积拖欠优先股股利10美元。
The price, specified at issuance, at which a bond or preferred stock can be redeemed by the issuer. Also called redemption price. 发行机构提前赎回债券或优先股所支付的价格,在发行时此价格即定,又叫赎回价格。